La Nueva Voz
May 3, 2023
“That’s what I want our kids
in The Club to experience daily– something that makes a spark in their heart,” he said
Pomona's Only Community Newspaper, La Nueva Voz recently released a news feature highlighting The Youth & Family of Pomona Valley. Read more about our Executive Director, Victor Caceres, our amazing Youth Development Strategy, and how the partnership with the Pomona Unified School District has helped us impact the lives of youth within the Pomona Valley.
The Feature begins on page 4.
"At the Youth and Family Club of Pomona Valley, Executive Director Victor Caceres believes the success of their kids is a direct result of their use of a “youth development strategy.” “We’re taking that part of the program as our core, as the most important part of what we do with kids,” Caceres said in an interview with La Nueva Voz."
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